lias (DO NOT USE A REAL NAME!!): Felicia
Comment: Hi moxie
Texting. Sigh. I was all set up to go on a date next week with a guy I met on ok Cupid. He set me some messages and I replied fairly quickly and we were exchanging messages like they were texts. Nothing crazy just the usual banter. I said something about how it’s easier to talk in real life and he said “we should meet for a drink then” and so I gave him my number and the texting continued with no plans to meet. I told him I’m not a huge texter especially not when I’m at work. I have gotten in trouble with my boss for being on my phone too much in the past. So we made plans. The texting continues into the weekend but it was nothing engaging just “hey” and when I told him about my weekend his response was “same” instead of an actual response so that’s the last text I got from him. I wake up Monday morning to “you don’t seem into me, maybe we’re not a match” this made me very upset because what more can a person do to show that they’re interested besides the occasional text and you know, agreeing to go out. Honestly I don’t know why I’m surprised he did seem more interested in just texting and maybe that was his intention all along, just to text someone and not meet. Had he just cancelled for another reason it would have been one thing but to blame me and say he’s canceling because I “didn’t seem interested” really pissed me off. We are in our mid 30s so it’s not like we have been dating with this technology for very long and I clearly remember dating without cell phones. Is this what dating has become? You have to be craft a perfect profile, pick perfect photos, be charming over message, charming over text. All of this work before you even meet! Its exhausting. All of this work and buildup only for something like this to happen. I guess not wanting to text and being vocal about preferring meeting in real life backfired on me. I know your advice is to keep texting brief and I agree but what if it seems they take that as a sign that you’re not interested? Red flag and move on or is this what dating has become?
Age: 33
City: New York
State: New York
My advice is to never give your phone number out until a date is set, and only then give it out the day before or day of the date. Why? Because of exactly what you experienced.
This guy was never all that interested. He only turned it around on you because he wasn’t going to say, “Hey, I’m not all that interested.” He put you on the defensive so that he didn’t seem like the bad guy. It’s like the dude from yesterday’s letter who sent a text accusing the woman of leaving the bar and not coming back. This guy was just done with you, and that’s how he chose to get out of it.
You’re experiencing dating burn out, a common feeling of frustration that many daters experience. The way to avoid it is to not engage in certain behaviors that more often than not lead to one or both people feeling jilted and confused.
Here are some things people should do/not do in order to side-step dating malaise and fatigue.
Post good photos - Face, full body shot, social shot. That’s it. No photos taken at weird angles or at a distance. Do not in any way obstruct your face and body. And you MUST have at least 3 photos.
Don’t reply to anybody who admits in their profile they’re just out of a relationship, new in town, just checking this out, expresses hesitation about online dating, etc – These people are flakes.
Don’t engage anyone with less then 3 photos. – They only post one or two because they either have no recent photos or are only posting pics where they look atypically good. These people are the ones who end up not looking anything like their photos.
Do not email anybody until you’ve read their complete profile and viewed all of their photos. – You know how it is. You get excited at that primary photo and skim their profile then shoot off a message. But then you go through their pictures and profile text and notice little red flags. Or you realize they posted a wildly inaccurate photo as their primary pic and buried the one where they don’t look as good in the back.
Do not respond to anybody without a photo. – That is, unless you really enjoy awkward conversations where you have to tell them you’re not interested because you don’t find them attractive. You then set yourself up for weird conversations. People who don’t post photos don’t post them for a reason. They know they’re not conventionally attractive and are hoping to rope someone in with their witty banter or other aspect to their lifestyle/personality.
Do not engage in email conversation past a certain point without setting up a date. - I’ve said this before, exchange maybe 3-4 emails between you (6-8 total) and then suggest an in person meet-up. Somebody has to take the initiate, so do it. These people who write in and say they spent weeks to a month “chatting” with people baffle me. Who has that kind of time to invest in a stranger? If they’re delaying meeting up, there’s a reason, and it’s likely one that will impede any kind of real life relationship.
Do not engage the creeps and weirdos. – You are never going to teach someone a lesson or give them one to grow on. It’s not your place to reply to them and try and figure out their particular pathology. Here’s your answer: they’re idiots who think insulting you or asking weird questions or behaving in an odd manner is endearing. If someone emails you to tell you they disagree with something you say in your profile or try to school you, delete and block them. You’re as foolish as they are if you think you’re going to get anywhere with them.
Don’t respond if you’re not interested or tell someone you’re not interested. – No, it’s not a sign of politeness if someone does this. It’s rude. People get off on rejecting folks, that’s why they do it. That or they are completely socially tone deaf.
Do not ask someone why they weren’t interested. – You will NEVER get the truth, ergo it’s a pointless conversation.
Do not track them down via social media. – Without context, you will not have a way to properly assess their statements or behavior. Just take them at their word until they give you reason not to.
Don’t pull the safety card in order to see how much info they’ll give you.- I can tell you right now, more and more people are beginning to balk at this because they know it’s a test. You are not owed any kind of dossier on that person you’re meeting for a beer. When they start asking you for money or behaving in a way that is suspicious, then check them out.
Do not confront someone with information you easily and effortlessly found. – Here’s why: if you were able to find information that easily, that means they a) don’t care what you think and b) never had any intention of actually dating you. They also have a ready made explanation that they give to everybody that usually works. And let’s face it, if they’re attractive, it usually works so the point is moot.
Do not engage in email or text banter before first date. – Like, at all. Make the date and don’t speak until your date. Too often, a false sense of familiarity builds and people get too comfortable or get spooked.
Embrace The Fade – It sucks, it’s not fair and it sometimes really hurts. But people do it. Men and women. Sometimes people feel it’s the humane way to go. Sometimes they just don’t care enough to tell you why they’re not interested. Don’t try to rationalize it or make sense of it.
Do not expect them to closely resemble their photos. – A picture is one moment in time. It is a one dimensional representation of how we look. Maybe they had a good hair day that day. Maybe they’ve put on ten pounds since they posted that photo. There needs to be some wiggle room in your expectations.
Reply back in a timely fashion. - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if longer than 24 hours goes by and someone doesn’t respond, don’t get too attached. Not yet, at least. There’s no excuse for a time lapse longer than a day.
Don’t cancel your first date. - Extenuating circumstances aside, cancelling is going to start you off at a deficit.
Offer to contribute to the table and send a god damn Thank You text after the date. – Looking at you, single women. Just do it. Stop complaining and standing on principal and do it. It scores you points.
Don’t listen to the internet. - I’m telling you, all those people talking about all the dates they’re getting are leaving something out of the story. There was one blogger that I used to follow who got several dates a week at 40 years old. Turns out she mentioned in her profile how much she enjoys sex and how important it is. Derp. That’s why she got so many dates. As for the people who whine and complain, I can assure you they’re batting way, way, way out of their league, have awful taste in men/women, or are telling you a distorted version of the truth.
Don’t quit. – Online dating is hard. It’s arduous and time consuming. But it is like this for everybody. You are not experiencing something many, many other people haven’t experienced. We all deal with the same nonsense. You have to keep at it. Forget detoxes and breaks. You can take a little hiatus here and there, but don’t delete or disable your profile. Just focus on other things for a couple of days.
Anything else?
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One on One Dating Profile Review
Get a 45 minute one on one review of your profile with me. I'll go over your picture selection and ad text and let you know if your profile includes any buzz words or red flags. I'll also help you tweak/write your profile if it needs some freshening up.
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- *Overview of online dating basics – how to write intro messages, how to draw more attention to your profile, how to sort your searches so you can see profiles you might be missing.
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- *Assistance with editing and re-writes.
- *Photo selection and review.
- *Feedback about specific issues and experiences.
- *Site selections and Pros & Cons of the more popular dating sites.
- *Learn how to write better intro messages that will get responses
- *Get tips to draw more attention to your profile
- *Learn how to sort your searches so you can see profiles you might be missing.
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