Sunday, October 20, 2013

And That's Why You're Single

And That's Why You're Single

If He’s Interested, He’ll Ask You Out

Posted: 20 Oct 2013 03:07 PM PDT

Name: Maryannaskhimout
Comment: Im curious if you think its always best to wait for a man to make the first move.  Ive always taken the view that a man who is interested will make his interest known, and if he doesnt he probably just isnt into you.  When I have attempted to pursue guys in the past I have never had it work out in my favor and have never found that any of them had been secretly interested or shy or waiting for me to do anything – they just werent interested at all.  Is it safe to say that if a man is attracted to you and has no reason to think you’re taken or otherwise unavailable he would make some attempt to act on it? – or am I being way too old fashioned in my thinking?
Age: 28
City: Madison
State: WI

I don’t think you’re being old fashioned at all. I agree with you. Shy, schmy. If the guy really wants to ask the woman out, he will. While the fear of rejection can sometimes overwhelm just about everybody, people (read insecure men and impatient women) like to use that as a reason why it would be wise for women to make the first move. Do I think it’s the worse thing in the world? No. I’ve done it once or twice and it turned out well. But, like you, the majority of the time it didn’t.

The reason why I think it’s best for women to let the guy do the asking out is that I tend to think men are less selective. Meaning, they’ll say yes to a date even if they aren’t all that interested depending on their options at the time. They’ll have sex even if they aren’t terribly attracted to the woman, especially they’re in the midst of a dry spell. Of course, even if he does do the asking, there’s still no guarantee that he’s interested. However, I think the odds are in a woman’s favor should she wait for the guy to make that move.

Obviously, a lot of men like when women ask them out. But I happen to think what they like is the novelty of it and nothing more. It’s a nice break from the norm. But, in my opinion, I think men prefer to do the asking.

Should women 100% abide by this “rule” and never ask men out? No. As long as they trust their judgment, don’t take things too personally if things don’t go how they hoped and feel comfortable sticking to whatever personal guidelines they have for their love lives, they should be fine. Not taking rejection or fades personally is very difficult and requires a thick skin. If they have that, then they should do whatever the hell they want.


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