Friday, May 30, 2014

And That's Why You're Single

And That's Why You're Single

Should She Take Him Up On His Offer To Be Her Sugar Daddy? #atwys

Posted: 30 May 2014 02:53 PM PDT


Comment: Hello, I recently met an extremely wealthy man who is very interested in being my “sugar daddy”…I am not interested in being exclusive with anyone and neither is he…I  feel bad but I wouldn’t mind being taken care of. The last few guys I dated really didn’t have much money. Has anyone ever gone through with this? And did things end well? Or am I super horrible for considering something like this?
Age: 26
City: Las vegas
State: Nevada






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Thursday, May 29, 2014

And That's Why You're Single

And That's Why You're Single

Is It Shady That He’s Close Friends With a Woman? #atwys

Posted: 29 May 2014 06:18 AM PDT

Alias (DO NOT USE A REAL NAME!!): Tierragaslightgaslight
Comment: I have been in a committed relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years (we are in our late 30's) a new single friend to both of us asks him over to her house for dinner. I asked would he be alone with her in her house and he didn't know. I asked was I invited as well. He didn't know I think this is a relationship issue. Especially after he told me he showered at her house, and then they had dinner and went out after for drinks. I said this is a DATE. He said well she is our friend. I said I have met her 3 times she is not a friend she is acquaintance.  He said I am over reacting, I said she doesn't care about your relationship she just wants you.
Age: 35
City: Glen Burnie
State: MD – Maryland

Your guy is probably playing stupid. He knows he’ll be alone with her, and he knows it’s inappropriate of him to be accepting dinner invitations at a woman’s home.

All kinds of warning bells are going off in my head. He took a shower at her place? Nope. Noppity Nope Nope Nope. I don’t care how paranoid or jealous or whatever that makes me sound. Nope nope nope.But what really ticks me off is the whole, “You’re over-reacting” thing he tried to pull. That’s a trick many people use to try and make their partner think they’re going crazy. This is commonly referred to as “gaslighting.” The “Well, she is our friend” is another way he’s trying to make you think you’re going out of your mind. No, she’s not your friend. She’s his friend, and she doesn’t appear to be making any attempts to include you in their friendship. For a reason.

You’re not over-reacting. This woman is after your man. And the fact that he is playing coy and obtuse about it tells me you should let her have him.

This letter reminds me of a post I read yesterday on xoJane.

UNPOPULAR OPINION: My Boyfriend’s Best Friend Is Female AND His Ex, And I’m Fine With It   

I happen to think that there's something else a bit nefarious at play in this whole "don't trust a guy who is best friends with a girl" thing. Women are socialized to view each other as competition- we compare our physical attributes, our careers, our status in life, the success of our various relationships, and so on. Men compare themselves to other men as well, of course, but there's no stereotype about men being "catty" to one another or that men will, as comedian John Mulaney put it, "just say weird, passive aggressive things" to each other.     We've internalized the sexism that says we must do that "I'm not like other girls" comparative technique to prove that we're cool girlfriends, real women, etc. and it can so easily turn into this vicious cycle when you run into the boyfriend-with-a-female-best-friend situation: If you try to keep your worries to yourself for fear of seeming crazy, insecure or needy, then you'll almost certainly wind up accidentally acting out in a passive aggressive way that actually makes you seem like one of those crazy girls guys love telling stories about. (Disclaimer: The guys who talk about girls that way are generally jerks, so, you know, if you have found yourself the unfair victim of a bit of "crazy ex-girlfriend" slander, just be grateful you're no longer dating the creep.)

I’m uncomfortable with the idea that, if a woman is uneasy with her partner having a female best friend – especially one that is an Ex – that’s she’s feeling competitive or jealous.I don’t give a hoot about being a “cool girlfriend.” Female best friend who is your Ex? No fucking way. If you ask me, the Ex is a buffer of sorts.

I’ve been the female best friend, and I can tell you right now, I would hear allllllllllll the bad stuff about that guy’s relationship. That alone is the main reason why I would be uncomfortable with the M/F bestie dynamic (not to be confused with a guy who has some female friends). This guy and I built up such a deep level of intimacy that feelings and attraction inevitably developed. He actually had to tell me some time ago that he could no longer talk to me because he had feelings for me and it was affecting his relationship. Several year friendship over.

I had another Ex come to me, one in an open marriage, and we slept together several months back. He called me the next day upset because he “had” to tell his wife what he had done because he knew that he had crossed a boundary line they each had set about not sleeping with Exes. But he was afraid to tell her because “she’d feel threatened.” And you know what? She’d have every right to feel threatened. He and I have a history and established level of intimacy. It’s that intimacy that is the problem in many of these opposite sex best friendships. I don’t care how insecure it makes me look. I will protect what’s mine because I know how hard it is to find and how easy it would be to lose it. That’s not insecurity or jealousy. That’s common sense. I happen to believe that it’s both parties responsibility to hang on to the relationship. Assuming they won’t cheat because they said they wouldn’t is a one way ticket to Cheatersville.

Let’s face it. We, as human beings, can be weak. We can give in to temptation, and we are masters at rationalizing such decisions. It has nothing to do with not trusting my guy. It has to do with understanding human behavior and accepting that people screw up all the time.  Nothing gives me a good fit of giggles like when someone says their partner would never cheat. Famous last words, kids. Famous last words.

When you accept that people are capable of anything and are, for the most part, self-serving in their choices, then you’ll understand why I give a huge “NOPE!” to the female/male best friend dynamic.




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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

And That's Why You're Single

And That's Why You're Single

Are You Being Targeted By a Deceptive Dater? #atwys

Posted: 28 May 2014 07:10 AM PDT

Alias (DO NOT USE A REAL NAME!!): Nattysnooping2

Comment: I have been dating a guy for 3 months now, but we live in different cities, so its hard to see each other all the time. I recently checked out his Twitter page and it appears he has a girlfriend. I ask him if he was single and he said he 100% was…but I am still seeing posts on Twitter to show otherwise. How do I bring it up again? I really like him, otherwise I would forget about him and move on,  but its hard for me to do that.
Age: 34
City: London
State: London

To be fair, he very well might not have a girlfriend. He could be telling you the truth. I have a very hard time understanding how anybody who is attempting to cheat or be dishonest about stuff like this would be so stupid as to not realize they’ll get caught. Stories like this set off my own internal red flags, as I often wonder if we’re getting the full story. I would guess 75% of the time, there are pertinent details being left out by the story teller in order to avoid incriminating themselves.

There are only 4 possible answers to situations like this.

1. He’s telling the truth and he and this woman are not dating. Or…

1a.He is dating her, but not exclusively. You didn’t say you and this guy were exclusive. If you’re not, he didn’t do anything wrong other than show total stupidity and thoughtlessness by being public about it. That’s a red flag in and of itself.

2. He never gave you access to certain social media platforms and therefore foolishly believed you’d never see what he was saying and thought he wouldn’t get caught. In order to find what you found, though, you would have to had back-doored your access, meaning you went one step beyond what’s really appropriate. In which case, serves you right. You might not like to hear, but we all deserve privacy, even if we’re being jerkfaces.

3. He’s ignorant about privacy controls and doesn’t realize what is public. In which case, serves him right.

4. He never had any intention of ever developing anything beyond casual with you and didn’t care what you found out. You were wank material at best.

Those are your answers. If it were me, I’d take my toys and go home, as all of these options hint at inevitable future confusion and conflict. Whatever it was that caused you to check up on him should be enough to remove yourself from the situation. It’s fine to want to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but you need to understand that most people when confronted will deflect and lie. Don’t let all those crime procedeurals where the criminal cops to the crime after five minutes of interrogation fool you. That’s not how real life works. If you think something is off, it probably is. The trail really should end there. Unfortunately, it rarely does.

In the past week I’ve read three or four different stories about snooping and researching dates, and all of them cite one thing as the primary cause: “intuition.” Here’s my question. If your instincts are so well-honed that they trip off at the slightest red flag, why are you even engaging – or worse, dating – that person in the first place? And why don’t many people simply walk away from these shady people instead of trying to catch them in the act? Do you get promoted to Sergeant or Captain or get some kind of reward? Or is bragging about catching them the reward?

I read a story yesterday about a woman who decided to check out what was on her “boyfriend’s” computer when he left to go get her breakfast. Why did she do it? Oh, gut instinct, of course! A short cut on his home screen to a file marked “Private” led her to a sex tape he had filmed in the recent past. She admits to knowing the guy was shady, but of course it’s with a giggle and a, “What can I say? I like my douchebags, amirite? High five, girlfriend!”

Then there was this story.

In our third year of dating, he told me that we needed to take a break from one another. I was sitting on his couch in his high school football T-shirt when he told me that our fights were unhealthy and we needed to hit pause. I asked him if this meant we'd be seeing other people and he said no, he just needed some quiet time to himself. I asked him if we'd get back together and he said he loved me but he wasn't sure. I walked home to my apartment where my roommate went into full girlfriend help mode. She sat with me on our couch as I explained everything that happened and sobbed that the love of my life was leaving me. She was stunned because she had only seen the perfect couple from the outside and asked if it was possible he had met someone else. Her question became my obsession.  I spent days walking around campus, expecting to bump into my boyfriend on the streets, caressing the face of a new girl. I knew that I needed answers. If I asked him directly he'd deny it, and my fears and anxiety were not going away. So after hours of trying to convince myself not to break into his e-mail, I caved in. His user name and password were saved on my computer, daring me to know what was going on. When I got into his inbox I felt like a bank robber, violating every rule of common decency.

Another story discussed the recon work many of us do when we meet someone online that we really like.

In this post, the author explained that the guy she was chatting with seemed too good to be true (which, in my opinion, is usually code for “out of my league”) so she looked him up on Facebook and discovered he was married with a newborn. Then she wasted her energy confronting him about. Of course, he denied it. That’s what lying liars do. They lie.

I guess what smacks me hardest about stories like this is how brazen these people are in their deception. Are they reckless? Arrogant? Or do they just not care if they get caught? To me, things like this speak to what their true intentions were all along. Therefore, why bother trying to pry the truth from them? The answer is right there on Twitter or their hard drive or in their email account or on their Facebook page.

The bigger question, of course, is why they found those people so attractive and vice versa. That, if you ask me, is the crux of the issue. Why do these dishonest people always end up hooking people who would go so far as to research them or break in to their email accounts? Is there a connection? Or is it simply random? I imagine people inclined to deceive use their shtick on everybody in the hopes it will work. But why does it always seem to work on people who would go the extra mile to check up on them rather than just walk away? Are they targeted in some way? Or do we just refuse to accept what our audience is and try to slam that square peg into the round hole?





One on One Dating Profile Review

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

And That's Why You're Single

And That's Why You're Single

Should You Tell Them You’re Sleeping With Other People? #ATWYS

Posted: 27 May 2014 05:52 AM PDT

Alias (DO NOT USE A REAL NAME!!): Arniedatingsexz10

Comment: Been dating successfully on Match for about two years, with the goals of meeting several exceptional-looking women, having fun (i.e., not in GF seeker mode), and hoping to eventually find an LTR. Two 7-month relationships have been good but failed for various reasons.

My question is about figuring out sexual compatibility while dating multiple women. I’m not trying to be player, but sexual compatibility is important enough that it would be ideal to figure it out before “going exclusive.” I think, however, that the types of women I’m interested in meeting would take a dim view of me sleeping with them but also having sex with someone else concurrently.

Standard guy protocol is likely to be “Don’t ask don’t tell” and go ahead and sleep with whomever. My bent toward honesty makes that difficult. The last time this scenario came up, with two possible women to go exclusive with, I explicitly told them I wouldn’t have sex because I was seeing someone else too, and it didn’t seem fair. That worked all right, but carries its own risks too.

Am I just creating a problem for myself that may not exist, or am I right to be concerned? If so, how to navigate these waters?
Age: 48
City: Raleigh
State: NC


My bent toward honesty makes that difficult.

Let’s start here, shall we?

I’m not quite sure what this means or what purpose this alleged honesty serves. My initial gut reaction to your letter is that you’re one of those people who says they’re looking for a LTR but is actually quite satisfied with casually dating different people. You somewhat admit to this by saying that your goal is to date many exceptional looking women (*eyeroll*)  and have fun with the hope of eventually stumbling across someone truly exceptional and settling down. Which..I mean..okay. Whatever. You’re 48 and single. You do the math on that one.

The last time this scenario came up, with two possible women to go exclusive with, I explicitly told them I wouldn’t have sex because I was seeing someone else too, and it didn’t seem fair.

Oh? And how did that work out for you? See, this is why I’m not really buying the whole, “I’m a really honest person” thing. I don’t know why anybody would admit to this if in fact they were hoping to develop a committed relationship with that person. Radical honesty seems counter-intuitive in a case like this. Not only that, but it’s totally not going to get you laid. So, why would you do this? If the goal is to determine sexual compatibility before you commit to one of them, then why would you say something that will almost ensure you won’t have sex? Either you don’t want sex or you don’t want commitment.

Why on earth would anybody on earth make such an announcement other than to make themselves look good or to avoid having sex? I don’t get it. I truly do not understand what you’re hoping to achieve by not having sex with either of these women and telling them you won’t have sex with them other than you’re trying to make yourself look good. If you’re not having sex with them, then who are you having sex with, because I simply don’t believe that a human being would go celibate by choice until they decided which woman to date long term. I think you’re either getting it somewhere else, have some kind of sexual hang-up,  or sexual compatibility isn’t the priority you’re making it out to be and this is all one big manufactured non-problem. That dog don’t hunt, as my Ex from Mississippi would say.

There’s absolutely no reason to be this honest with someone you’re dating. There’s no need to rub it in their face that you’re dating other people. It’s just rude. Maybe you like making the women feel like they need to up their game somehow? I don’t know.

What if you said nothing and slept with both of them and they both turned out to blow your doors off in bed? Then what? Is there another test you perform to decide of they’re LTR material? When do the tests end?

Standard guy protocol is likely to be “Don’t ask don’t tell” and go ahead and sleep with whomever.

Standard protocol for men and women is likely to be “Don’t ask don’t tell.” There. Fixed that for you. Being discrete and playing your odds isn’t a guy thing. It’s a people thing. Women do that too. Or did you think you were the only person they were dating?

 If you’re trying to score points by being honest and telling women how you want things to be fair for them, then I would say stop doing that. For one, it feels disingenuous to me. For two, it’s spectacularly stupid. I’m going to suggest you do something that, to some, might seem a little wild. Are you ready? It’s going to blow your mind.

Don’t speak.

Don’t say anything. Sleep with both of them. Decide which one you want to date. Then break things off with the other one by telling them your dog died or you recently learned you’d be moving to Guam and your signal will be weak and you’ll never be able to accept their messages or texts. Tell them anything other than the truth. That’s what most people do, and it works pretty well as long as they don’t go over board with the details.






One on One Dating Profile Review


 Get a 45 minute one on one review of your profile with me.  I'll go over your picture selection and ad text and let you know if your profile includes any buzz words or red flags. I'll also help you tweak/write your profile if it needs some freshening up.




  • *Profile analysis (45 minute phone session.)
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  • *Photo selection and review.
  • *Feedback about specific issues and experiences.
  • *Site selections  and Pros & Cons of the more popular dating sites.
  • *Overview of online dating basics – how to write intro messages, how to draw more attention to your profile, how to sort your searches so you can see profiles you might be missing.




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  • *Photo selection and review.
  • *Feedback about specific issues and experiences.
  • *Site selections and Pros & Cons of the more popular dating sites.
  • *Learn how to write better intro messages that will get responses
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 $75 (Use code BLOG to save $10)


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Monday, May 26, 2014

And That's Why You're Single

And That's Why You're Single

Saying No Is Not The Beginning Of A Negotiation #Yesallwomen

Posted: 26 May 2014 07:19 AM PDT


Comment: Hi, I really like this girl (19yrs). She is a bartender in a local pub. I tried asking her out, but she rejected me because she has a boyfriend. Well, I am not kind of a guy, who gives up quickly. I don’t generally meet the girls, I like a lot. She is probably out of my league, though she is in a long distance with a high school sweetheart. I have no idea, how long they have been together.
Myself, I am a confident, successful engineer, 6-7 years older than a girl. I am planning to write her a letter, something simple asking out for a coffee, and see where things go.
any opinions? whether it is a good or a bad idea? or alternative suggestions?
Age: 26
City: Allentown
State: PA

*Note: The title of this post was inspired by one of the almost one million tweets that were part of the #YesAllWomen hashtag. I could not find the original tweet to properly cite the source.

When I originally wrote the response to this post over 2 weeks ago, I think it’s safe to say that I wasn’t feeling nearly as frustrated as I am today, May 26th, 2014.  If you have an internet connection or social media stream you follow regularly, then you are aware of the #YesAllWomen twitter response that occurred as a result of the USBC shooting over the weekend, the impetus for which was the rage and entitlement of one very deranged young man. In the days leading up to the killings, he posted video after video of his plan to seek retribution on all of the women who had denied him what he believed was his God-given right to sexual gratification. Make no mistake, this was just not yet another spree killing carried out due to the delusions of a mad man. This was an act of terrorism against women. To the people who say that more men were killed by this young man than women and that women are using this as an excuse to rage vomit all their vitriol, I implore you to read this guy’s terrifying missive where he details his plans to shoot up a sorority house and explains that all of his anger and frustration is to be blamed on the women who rejected him. I also give a big “NOPE!” to the PUA guys trying to use this as a means to shill their services. Way to miss the point entirely, brah.

I would also implore that people stop looking for opportunities to make something about them. I can not stand when a certain topic is discussed here and someone says, “This post should have been called when people do this” or “This is like when men/women do XYZ.” Sometimes it’s not all about you, know what I mean? I firmly believe there are flaws in both sides of this conversation. But sometimes you just have to sit back and listen.

As a result of this weekend’s events, I chose to completely rewrite my response to this letter writer. I will start by quoting a tweet that I failed to favorite and now can not find. The tweet read:

When a man says no, it’s the end of the conversation. When a woman says no, it’s the beginning of a negotiation.

It shouldn’t be like that. As women, we’re constantly being fed message after message that we must tailor our behavior in such a way as to be considered attractive to men. It’s all about male approval. When we veer from that, we’re man-haters. Women are often expected to concede out of a desire for approval and acceptance. That includes debates with other women, too. I’ve lost count at how many women use the same sexist tactics on me that they rail against. That shit needs to stop, too.

Men are encouraged to assert their positions in an argument or interaction. Women who do that are considered “difficult.” A woman who carries on with her life with no concern for what people think is often pegged as some kind of enigma or anomaly. A man does it and he’s “independent” or “confident.” For some bizarre reason, women are expected to prioritize male approval. I’ve said this before, I think of my childhood and how I was raised and how the whole notion of functioning in such a way as to not be considered threatening to men is foreign to me. It has only been in the last year or so that I truly realized how rare that was.

I watched a movie over the weekend based on the love affair between Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky. When Chanel would walk through the opera house by herself, unaccompanied, people would turn their heads and then lean in to whisper. When she was brainstorming for her fragrance line, her female friend assumed the name she chose for the perfume would have something to do with the men in Chanel’s life. How wrong they were.  Even Stravinksy, who was clearly obsessed and consumed with Chanel, would try and marginalize her when he wanted to hurt her. “You’re not an artist” he said. “You’re a shop keeper.” Oh, Igor. This is something people do when trying to coerce women to give them what they want. They try to undermine her confidence and sense of self-worth by attacking it. They want her to doubt herself. They want her to feel guilty. They want her to second guess.

Dude, she said no. There’s your answer. If you write her a letter (and I highly suggest you don’t) then she’s probably going to go in to work every night dreading the moment she sees you at the bar watching her every move. That’s what actions like that do to people. By persisting, you’re going to take an already awkward situation and make it something darker.

Rejection sucks. Nobody likes it. There are ways to reject a person without humiliating them. I don’t believe that the fear of any kind of retribution that would come as a result of rejecting someone is strictly one felt by women. Men have similar fears. But the difference is that women not only worry about possible discomfort and awkwardness, but all physical harm. I may be generalizing here, but I highly doubt men carry with them the same level of worry when they turn down a woman’s overtures.

To the letter writer, leave her alone. Find another watering hole to frequent for awhile. No amount of pleading your case will be flattering to her or to you. Respect the boundary she set. But don’t do it because you think it will score you points. Do it because that’s what you’re supposed to do whenever anybody – male or female – says no in a situation like that. Once the word “No” enters an equation like this, that’s the signal for somebody to back off. It’s not about you or your ego. It’s about what is appropriate and respectful to the other party involved.




Sunday, May 25, 2014

And That's Why You're Single

And That's Why You're Single

Just Because You Had Sex With Them Doesn’t Mean They Owe You Anything

Posted: 25 May 2014 09:04 AM PDT

Alias (DO NOT USE A REAL NAME!!): CHdatingsex44

Comment: I met a marine off this website called Plenty of Fish. We texted for a couple of weeks and then met in person. We connected very well so i thought. The mistake i made on my end is i slept with him that night. What confuses me is that he texted me the next morning and night. After that i haven’t heard from him. Was i just a one night stand or what? if he just wanted sex, why text me the next day?
Age: 25
City: Garden Grove
State: California

I don’t understand. What is so huge about him texting you the next day? It’s not like he bought you an island. He just pressed a few buttons on his phone. This is not the grand gesture that many women often make it out to be. He sent you a message the next day either to reply to the message you sent and be polite or because he was bored or because he wanted to invest a little time in maintaining the connection should he want seconds.

People aren’t typically inclined to reveal what it is exactly that they want in these situations. That usually doesn’t help us get what we want. Therefore, we we say nothing. As we discussed in a post last week, unless they explicitly promise us something more before we sleep with them, they don’t really owe us anything. People can pretend that the act of sex is akin to signing some kind of contract if that makes them feel better. And they can choose to believe they were deceived if they prefer to play the victim. But we’re all adults. Sex is not in any way a binding contract that affords us various rights. Sleeping with someone casually and without commitment does not mean that that person owes you any kind of explanation as to why you never heard from them again. If that’s the level of expectation you place on casual sex, you’re in the wrong game. And FYI…any sex outside of committed sex constitutes casual sex in my book. So all you, “Oh, I don’t do that” folks need to get over yourselves.

Casual sex means no expectations. Like, none, other than maybe an orgasm. And even that isn’t a given. This is a brutal message for some, but once it’s learned, it alleviates the grand majority of complications and confusions that come from uncommitted couplings.

Oh, so you want to approach the person who never called after sex and let them know how that hurt your feelings so you can reclaim control and glue your self-worth back together? Okay. Maybe they’ll express regret for being casually callous. Maybe they’re shrug their shoulders and say, “Alrighty.” Or maybe they’ll send the dreaded, “K” in response to your text take-down. It’s highly unlikely they will adjust their behavior.People rarely change unless their quality of life or survival requires it.

Here’s the thing: if you have to tell someone that what they did hurt you, then that’s a really good sign they don’t really care about your feelings. Not they they should in situations like this because it’s expected that both parties are responsible and accountable for their feelings and needs in these situations. If you need a text the next day to make you feel less “slutty” then you probably shouldn’t be having casual sex. If you need someone to feign interest for a time so you can continue to believe that they felt what you felt, then casual sex isn’t for you. These are things you need to discern and decide for yourself before you have sex. After a certain age or level of experience, it’s not up to other people to walk you through this. We are adults. Sex is a thing. A good thing. A fun thing. A wonderful thing. It serves many purposes and has many levels of intimacy. You can’t assume that all sexual experiences fall under the same category and therefore merit the same reaction and responses.




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