Friday, May 9, 2014

And That's Why You're Single

And That's Why You're Single

You Don’t Get To Tell Me If I’m Sexy Or Not

Posted: 09 May 2014 06:42 AM PDT

As predicted, yesterday’s post got a ton of interesting comments. One of the points raised was the idea of misrepresentaion, hendricks_corsetespecially as it has to do with online dating.

Lexy Says:

What kills me is how many guys who claim to be fitness & health nuts are on the chunky/fat side! It's like you can't be that size & a fitness nut! I work with a guy whose a health & fitness buff – but he's in great shape & has an awesome body! Which he works hard at keeping so I get that he wants to date women similar to him. But these Chunks claiming to be fitness guru's need to stop!

Ugh. You sound like a slice of heaven. Did it ever occur to you that they select “fit” or “athletic” to come up in more searches? If they’re posting full body shots that are unobstructed, who cares what descriptor they choose? Who even pays attention to that anymore? And maybe people feel compelled to share how healthy they are because people like you relegate them to loserville because they don’t look a certain way?  You poor dear. I hope you managed to walk away from your date with a “chunkie” unscathed. Not everybody can shed those final twenty pounds, love. Some people are just predisposed to be a certain build. There’s only so much we can do in terms of weight loss. My hormone levels are high and they contribute to my shape. So, if I carry an extra twenty pounds because of that, but work out regularly and eat well and have great lung capacity, a typically strong immune system, and can maintain a fat burning target heart rate for 30-40 minutes then I’m not fit because you say so? Okay. Grab a smoothie and take a seat.

A Guy Says:

Well since you want to hate on my shorter brothers I'll give it a shot.

6'2″ 185 10% bodyfat, 6/10 looks, balding (shaved head), sub 6 figure man. So at 5'7″ you are only 11 lbs. lighter and a whopping 7 inches shorter. I understand frame size very well since I am naturally a very slender framed guy myself, but in a year and a half managed to go from a skinny 145 to 185 lbs of muscle, I'm what is known as a hard gainer . I know very well what it takes to be a fit person. In fitness 80% of your results come from the kitchen, the rest is in the gym. Working out doesn't mean squat if you drink 1000 calories a day in unnecessary liquids or shove cupcakes in your mouth after your workout. Most women need between 1200 to 1800 calories a day max.

Being back in the dating game recently I see women like this all the time online. It always gets a chuckle out of me when I see a women post fit, average, athletic, or "curvy" when they are anything but. Fat is fat, stop sugar coating it. I purposely screen for fatties. Don't want a woman who might give me a hernia if I decide I want to pick you up. Faulty advertisement is a red flag right out of the gate.

But, I like stuff with sugar coating. ‘Cause, see, I’m fat. Fatties love sugar coating, amirite??? The faulty advertising complaint is as old as fire. Hate to break it to you, but if you’re being so badly duped that you’re showing up to a date and your date looks significantly heavier or older, then you’re a victim of your own shallowness, naivete, and stupidity. If you can’t tell an old photo or haven’t become hip to the tricks that people use to present a more flattering appearance, that’s on you. Photo shop. It’s a thing. And if you are so offended at the idea of a push up bra or make-up or whatever, stay the fuck home. Really? You think everybody look exactly like that when their clothes and make-up come off? You’re adorable. If men and women posted what they actually look like in the morning, I’m pretty sure nobody would get laid. Especially women because we’re expected to hide our “flaws” just so we can meet your approval. Get bent. Nobody wants to date that gym-obsessed fanatic who goes around quoting their BMI. I dated someone two summers ago who always had to have salads. “Let’s get pasta” I’d say. No, no, no. He could make us salads! Much healthier. I’m Sicilian. We eat and we savor every moment of what we consume. Making a meal is akin to painting a portrait for us. It’s an art. I refuse to be one of those people who freaks out because I gained 5 pounds or who manically trains for marathons because I’m actually running away from my fear of gaining weight. Give me meatballs or give me death.

Avery_t Says:

I googled size 10. I was shown Leonia Lewis (sp? ) and Chsritina Hendricks. I would not sleep with either. Both have very pretty faces, but their bodies turn me off. So, I DID look. If you had made a bet with me, you would have lost. That's all I'm saying.

I was VERY attracted to Emily Blunt in The Adjustment Bureau. She plays a dancer and trained for it.


Avery here has admitted that he’s 5’7″ and in his forties in many of his comments. Yet, mysteriously, his OKCupid profile has at times stated that he’s 39 and 5’9″. His preferences are also symptomatic of the deeper problem. Um, you know most of these women are photo shopped and stretched and altered in order to look a certain size, right? That many of them look nothing like what we see on screen or in magazines? You’re being sold an image. If you were to live with them and see them every day you would learn that they, like many of us, wear spanx and push up bras and need various underclothing to smooth out lines and bumps. And PS? Spank do not make a woman look smaller than she is. That’s another lie we’ve been sold in order to move a product. Spanx do not, for the most part, create a waist where there is none. It does not mask a bigger stomach or rolls. If anything, Spanx makes a lot of that stuff more pronounced because of how they’re made. People like Avery base their ideal on celebrities because being a celebrity comes with status. Dating someone with the body of a famous actress or who looks like a popular actors falsely convinces people that they have achieved a level of social proof otherwise unattainable by most. It’s not even all about attraction. That’s the kicker. We want people who are above average in looks or wealth because it helps us feel better than other people. Why don’t a lot of women want to date short men? Why, because the short guy isn’t somebody they can show off to their friends or use in conversation to one up somebody. No, it’s not because they like to wear heels. Sorry. Same goes for men who only date women of a certain weight or body type.God forbid they show up to a party with a fattie, right? RIGHT? I mean, if they can’t show her off, what’s the point? Again, it’s not even about attraction. It’s about gaining value and status amongst peers.

lexy Says:

Kim Kardashian is like 5'2 and she wears very clingy clothes. If she's not a size 2 max she's a size 4. And as her sister Khloe always says being next to Kim and Kourtney who are petite does make her look big. When she's next to Kendall or Kylie she looks fine. Rob Kardashian on the other hand is fat…though at least he owns it.

Kim Kardashian is no where near a size 2/4. Like, not even close. I don’t know what size she is, nor do I care. Having her picture all over the media has been a blessing and a curse for women. I love that we’re bombarded with photos of Kardashian because it assists in changing what is considered “beautiful.” I wish some of the women’s ezines would get off her dick and recognize that, while she might be overexposed, she’s contributing to the bigger picture of body acceptance.The downside is that people in her camp (and maybe even her) insist upon falsely stating what her size is so that she doesn’t get shit on for not fitting an ideal. Christina Hendricks, too, is helping adjust our point of reference for what is considered sexy. First off, most people know that they pad her for Mad Men, right? There was actually a time not too long ago when women with Joan Hollaway’s body were the ideal. Wrap your brain around that, guys.

Lisa Says:

So the pic in the black dress was at size 14? And the below-the-waist pic is at size 10? Seems like Moxie would look fine at a size 10 bc she didn't look terrible at a 14. I know i'm overstepping here but I think moxie just needs a fun, more contemporary hairstyle. The one she has isn't doing her any favors IMO (but she is still an attractive woman). That is really sad and strange that age-appropriate men wouldn't appreciate her looks. (I wonder if she is meeting ethnic men or just WASPs or what?)

I just…whatever. Some people don’t get it and never will. I put myself out there so I have to take part of the responsibility for Lisa’s comment. The comments on my dress size don’t bother me. It’s the idea that Lisa, and people like her, think it’s appropriate to offer unsolicited criticisms of someone’s looks. She even states that she knows she’s over stepping, but for whatever reason just can’t restrain herself. She HAS to share her opinion because, good God, what would happen if she didn’t?The world HAS to hear what she thinks!

I was on my afternoon walk a few weeks ago and came across a photo shoot for Ralph Lauren. The model was posed next to an expensive car wearing a perfectly tailored to her body suit. I didn’t even notice the car. All I could look at was her. There were two women next to me watching the shoot as well. When I commented on how the model pulled the focus from the car because of how well she wore the suit, one of the women said, “I know. We hate her, right?” I ignored that comment and said I thought the model looked amazing and continued on my way. I walked away thinking about how comfortable she was saying something like that to me, a stranger. It shouldn’t be like that. And, look, I’m certainly no angel when it comes to stuff like that. I have that uglier side, too. I am not above it, though I am much more aware of how talking like that contributes to the bigger problem and do what I can not to do it.

John Says:

For all the people who cant decide if a woman is in shape or not , here is a quick way to tell:

If you can't see her collarbones, she is not in shape.

Oh. Well if a thread on Reddit says so, then….

Jessica Says:

Woman posts photos of her body and expresses confidence in it.
Men come in to take her down a peg.
Women offer unsolicited advice about how she could improve her looks.

Just another day on the internet I guess.





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